• IMG_8679's thumbnail derivative image was missing. The derivatives will be rebuilt to regenerate it.
  • IMG_8679's preview derivative image was missing. The derivatives will be rebuilt to regenerate it.
  • IMG_8679's big_thumbnail derivative image was missing. The derivatives will be rebuilt to regenerate it.
  • IMG_8679's tiny derivative image was missing. The derivatives will be rebuilt to regenerate it.
  • IMG_7964's thumbnail derivative image was missing. The derivatives will be rebuilt to regenerate it.
  • IMG_7964's preview derivative image was missing. The derivatives will be rebuilt to regenerate it.
  • IMG_7964's big_thumbnail derivative image was missing. The derivatives will be rebuilt to regenerate it.
  • IMG_7964's tiny derivative image was missing. The derivatives will be rebuilt to regenerate it.
  • IMG_8484's thumbnail derivative image was missing. The derivatives will be rebuilt to regenerate it.
  • IMG_8484's preview derivative image was missing. The derivatives will be rebuilt to regenerate it.
  • IMG_8484's big_thumbnail derivative image was missing. The derivatives will be rebuilt to regenerate it.
  • IMG_8484's tiny derivative image was missing. The derivatives will be rebuilt to regenerate it.
  • photo-07's thumbnail derivative image was missing. The derivatives will be rebuilt to regenerate it.
  • photo-07's preview derivative image was missing. The derivatives will be rebuilt to regenerate it.
  • photo-07's big_thumbnail derivative image was missing. The derivatives will be rebuilt to regenerate it.
  • photo-07's tiny derivative image was missing. The derivatives will be rebuilt to regenerate it.
  • DSC05981's thumbnail derivative image was missing. The derivatives will be rebuilt to regenerate it.
  • DSC05981's preview derivative image was missing. The derivatives will be rebuilt to regenerate it.
  • DSC05981's big_thumbnail derivative image was missing. The derivatives will be rebuilt to regenerate it.
  • DSC05981's tiny derivative image was missing. The derivatives will be rebuilt to regenerate it.

Первая победа "англичанина"

В материале о юбилейном турнире ЛЛБ по пирамиде мы уже писали о Евгении Колесове, который вернулся в Петербург после нескольких лет обучения в Англии. Одной из причин его возвращения стала огромная любовь к русскому бильярду. В Англии она, увы, была безответной - ну не играют на Туманном Альбионе в пирамиду. По возвращении Женя сразу начал участвовать в турнирах ЛЛБ, потихоньку набирал форму и вот наигрыш дал о себе знать. Счастливым для него стал турнир под №118, который состоялся в клубе "Гермес Меркурий". Читайте дальше, а пока перед вами фотогалерея. Евгений прошел по сетке очень гладко, ни разу не упав в подвал и добившись пяти побед. В финале он сошелся с Оксаной Ахмедуллиной - героиней первого парного турнира "микс", который ЛЛБ проводила 22 августа. Как и для Евгения, для Оксаны этот турнир стал лучшим в индивидуальном Первенстве по пирамиде.
